In Hebrew, we wish parents "Harbeh Nachat," which means "a lot of pride!" in Hebrew. This heartfelt sentiment is exactly how we felt receiving these moving photos of the boys and girls graduating from Migdal Ohr's Machshava School.
These children—your children—have displayed remarkable resilience and dedication this year. Despite the outbreak of war and the constant interruptions of sirens, they have persevered in their studies. Many of them live on campus with foster families, while others come from extremely low-income families and immigrant families in the surrounding areas.
Your support has helped these children find stability and hope within the walls of Migdal Ohr's Machshava School.
You are providing Israel’s orphaned and underprivileged children with more than just an education. You have given them a safe haven where they can learn, grow, and realize their full potential!
The graduation plays and festivities showcased the enriching programs that you are funding, such as art classes, music lessons, and sports activities.
These programs have been vital in helping the children cope with the trauma of war. Through art and music, they have found ways to express their emotions. Through sports, they have built teamwork and resilience. These activities have not only helped them to cope with stress but have also equipped them with skills and confidence to become leaders in the future.
With your support, these children are soaring. They are filled with creativity, optimism, and excitement for the future. Each one is a gem that we know you cherish. They have shown us that they can overcome any obstacle with the right support and achieve great things!
As you look through these photos, we wish you Harbeh Nachat! Take pride in the remarkable achievements of the children, knowing that you have played a crucial role in their success.
Harbeh Nachat!