Migdal Ohr is a beacon of hope for disadvantaged children and was built by generations of committed, invested supporters around the globe who believed in Rabbi Grossman’s vision and shared his love for the children. In recent years, a new generation of leaders has emerged: lay leaders stepping into the spotlight as ambassadors for the next 50 years!
The involvement of lay leaders like Shloimie Zeffren and Daniel Gindea represents a new wave of leadership for Migdal Ohr. Since October 7th, both have deepened their connection to Migdal Ohr by visiting the campus in Migdal HaEmek and meeting Rabbi Grossman.
Executive Director Atara Solow explained, “These individuals are not just donors; they are advocates and connectors. They bring fresh energy and ideas, helping to expand Migdal Ohr’s reach and impact.
Their stories also underscore the importance of personal connection to the campus and children. Visiting the campus and working on the ground transformed these leaders’ support into a deeply emotional commitment. It’s this transformation that makes donors into ambassadors, helping us share the mission and involve others.”
Shloimie Zeffren: From Supporter to Advocate
Shloimie’s journey with Migdal Ohr began with an invitation to an event that he attended with his wife, Aliza. “My wife Aliza and I were invited to an event and enjoyed being with friends, but what we learned about the organization blew us away. We knew it was a mission we wanted to be a part of,” Shloimie shared in his end-of-year appeal letter.
From attending events to organizing them, Shloimie’s involvement grew. But it wasn’t until he visited the Migdal Ohr campus that he truly understood the transformative impact of the organization. “The highlight of the Israel trip was spending the day at the Migdal Ohr campus. After hanging out with the children, watching their performances, and playing soccer with them, it was clear that these children had such joy. After over a year of war, you’d expect orphaned, underprivileged kids to be sad and even feel like victims. But the exact opposite was true!”
Shloimie was deeply moved by the resilience of the children and their commitment to helping those less fortunate in their communities despite their own hardships. “From packing boxes for needy families to saying prayers and tying tzitzit for soldiers — I found that the children were anything but helpless! The Rav and their family at Migdal Ohr transformed the entire war into an opportunity to help others. We went to uplift the children but left inspired by what we saw.”
Shloimie recounted his experience of being assaulted in New York City while wearing his yarmulke later in the year. “That experience made me realize that G-d has given me a larger purpose and ensured I am still here today. I learned then what I saw Rabbi Grossman teaching. A Jew is never a victim. Whether it was me in New York City or a child at Migdal Ohr, it’s what we make of our life circumstances that determines who we are.”

Daniel Gindea: Building Bridges Across Communities
Daniel Gindea is another great example of a lay leader whose interest in Migdal Ohr’s activities became a deep passion and commitment.
A first-time visitor to Migdal Ohr, Daniel was struck by Rabbi Grossman’s unwavering commitment to the children and the palpable sense of hope on the campus.
“Dear Friend, Chag Sameach and Happy Chanukah! As we light the menorah and spend time with our families, I think about the thousands of orphaned Israeli children, and newly orphaned children, who are spending Chanukah without family,” Daniel wrote in his end-of-year appeal letter.
Daniel’s connection to underprivileged children in Israel began years ago when his parents encouraged him to twin his bar mitzvah with a disadvantaged boy. Years later, a friend asked if the clothing manufacturer he worked with could donate clothes to Migdal Ohr, introducing him to the organization’s mission.
“I began to understand the immense scope of Rabbi Grossman’s vision—not just clothing thousands of children every season but providing them with hope, dignity, and opportunity for a better future. But it wasn’t until my recent trip to Israel that I saw the true impact.”
During his visit, Daniel immersed himself in the day-to-day life of the campus. “Walking through the Migdal Ohr campus last winter, I was struck by the palpable love and support given to thousands of children every single day. I got to interact with the children, watch their performances, play sports with them, and assist in painting the bomb shelters, which doubled as locations used as classrooms when the sirens went off this fall.”
He also witnessed the transformation of lives firsthand. “We heard powerful success stories, from IDF soldiers in leadership to educators returning to Migdal Ohr from the battlefield. Migdal Ohr embodies the value Rabbi Grossman spoke about that day: Ahavah—love for all Jews. I saw it in every corner of the campus and met children growing up in that atmosphere of love.”
Daniel’s experience inspired him and his wife, Mindy, to take action. “When I returned home, my wife Mindy and I wanted to do more. We wanted to share the inspiration. Had I not seen it for myself, I might be skeptical that an orphaned child can go from nothing to the highest ranks in the army, to raising a family, to becoming a pillar of their community. But that’s the real story of thousands of children that grew up at Migdal Ohr.”
The couple organized a fundraising event that not only raised critical funds but also inspired others in their community to connect with Migdal Ohr’s mission. “These wonderful children just soar after growing up in this environment. They’re incredible. If you have not been yet, we strongly encourage you to go and see it for yourself!”
Looking Ahead
“Migdal Ohr’s work is life-changing,” Shloimie noted. “But it’s up to us to make sure the world knows about it.”
Daniel echoed this sentiment in his letter: “After seeing the campus and meeting the children, I can say this is a really special cause and one where you can make a big difference. Every dollar goes to the children. As we saw firsthand, you can really make a difference.”
Their efforts remind us all that philanthropy is not just about writing a check; it’s about using our voices and inspiring others to make a difference. Migdal Ohr’s lay leaders prove that we can change countless lives when we step up and open our hearts.