Rabbi Grossman and the entire Migdal Ohr family send our deepest condolences to our dear friends, the Wiener and Rosenfeld families, as they mourn the loss of the beloved grandfather and patriarch of their family, Yosef Wiener z"l.
As a Holocaust survivor, Yosef was part of the pioneering generation that built Israel from nothing, overcoming personal tragedy and trauma. Though he saw what he built destroyed on Oct 7th, we promise to continue his legacy of BUILDING and to take strength from all that he overcame in his life.
May his memory forever be a blessing.
In a Facebook Post that went viral after Oct 7th, Yosef wrote:
"My name is Yosef Wiener, and I am 97 years old. I survived the horrors of the Nazi concentration camps; survived their fire, wrath, and hatred. My entire family perished.
I was displaced and disconnected from my roots and built a monument in their memory from basalt stones.
Despite adversity, despair, and grief, I clung to the land, planting roots in Zion.
I married my wife Aviva, and we raised two beautiful children, Ofer and Nurit.
From Ofer and Michal, we have four grandchildren in Kfar Aza.
From Nurit and Miki, six grandchildren were born in Kfar Aza.
Deeply rooted, I planted my family tree in my homeland that bore fruit.
However, on October 7th, 2023, from within the walls of evil, the haunting scenes of fire, dust, murder, and a terrible massacre of innocent souls reached me again.
My dear grandson, blessed be his memory, was murdered while protecting his wife Shay-li and their newborn one-month-old baby girl, Shaya.
My precious granddaughter, blessed be her memory, and her husband, blessed be his memory, were also murdered while protecting their baby boy ten-month-old twins- Roi and Guy.
Once again, I am exhausted of my strength, drowning in despair, sinking…
And I have no more land to grasp onto."
Support the Wiener and Rosenfeld families through the only official fund they are partnered with and where they receive 100% of each donation. Donate at migdalohrusa.org/wiener-and-rosenfeld