Zoharim Youth Create a Memorial Run for Fallen Heroes and Victims of Oct 7th
Teens Inaugurate a New Tradition at the Zoharim Campus
Program Updates
May 13, 2024

This Yom HaZikaron, Israeli Memorial Day, was very heavy as Israel was still in active mourning over the heroes and victims of the recent attacks on October 7th and fallen soldiers since. The graves are still fresh, and the country remains at war, making this a complex and difficult day for everyone. 

Across Israel, Migdal Ohr youth led heartfelt commemorations, honoring and remembering the beloved brothers, sisters, friends, and neighbors who sacrificed their lives to defend Israel and Jewish people everywhere. Their small ceremonies shared personal reflections, memories, and tributes to the heroes they had lost with bereaved family members coming to embrace and be embraced by the community.

First Annual Memorial Day Run at Zoharim Youth Village

The Zoharim Youth Village running club, “The Zoharim Lions”, is one of the clubs on campus that trains youth at-risk, many of whom come from ultra-Orthodox backgrounds, to join the Israeli army. Every day, these young men are up at sunrise training and developing the discipline, strength, and camaraderie needed for IDF military service and beyond.

The inaugural run was an idea of the members of the youth village, as a way to rememeber the heroes and friends who have fallen in combat.

The event concluded with a heartfelt ceremony where the names of the fallen heroes were read aloud, and moments of silence were observed.

This inaugural run marked the beginning of a new tradition at Zoharim Youth Village, to honor, remember, and thank the heroes that make living in Israel possible for all of us. 

Yom HaZikaron Ceremonies in the Schools on Campus

Our elementary and middle school students were involved in sharing stories and mourning fall soldiers that on Yom HaZikaron. These events underscored the heavy cost of security and freedom. Despite the ongoing conflict, the spirit of Yom HaZikaron remains resilient, with every act of remembrance reinforcing the bond between the living and the departed.

As we remember these heroes, we hold their memories close, praying that their sacrifices will never be forgotten and their legacy will continue to inspire and protect future generations. May their memories be a blessing.

Children made the challenging transition from Memorial Day to Independence Day, Yom HaAtzmaut, with beautiful performances and moving tributes to our beloved Israel.

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