Over 4,000 Evacuees from the Gaza Border Cared for by Migdal Israel with YOUR Help
Magen Israel has Brought over 4,000 Evacuees to Shelter in Hotels around the Country
National News
October 26, 2023

Over 4,000 individuals have now arrived in hotels in Jerusalem and in the north where Migdal Ohr’s Magen Israel initiative is providing for their every need. These families have seen horrific scenes and experienced unimaginable trauma. They are reeling from PTSD, homeless, and arriving with the shirts on their backs.

Your overwhelming support, love, and generosity have made it possible for them to settle in with all everything that they need:

- Lodging expenses 

- Three hot meals a day

- Childcare and babysitting

- Laundry services

- Transportation

- Activities and entertainment

- Grief counseling and trauma therapy

- Clothing, shoes, toiletries, basic needs

The strength of Am Yisrael is in our unity and our ability to reach across oceans to care for our brothers and sisters in need. Thank you for all that you are doing to partner with Migdal Ohr. 

Please continue to think of creative ways to involve your schools, communities, synagogues and places of worship in comforting and caring for the victims of the October 7th massacre. 

Please join us in wrapping our arms around these traumatized families and children and reassure them that the worst has past. They are relying on us in a crisis of epic proportions and we cannot leave them alone, again.

To learn more and support these families in their time of need visit

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