Incredible Inspiration at the BASHMO Englewood Event
The upscale Israeli street food and wine bash brought new faces and energy to a cause that is changing the future of Israel
Donor Stories
November 10, 2022

Donors gathered for an amazing evening at the BASHMO Englewood drinking incredible wines, enjoying elevated Israeli street food, mingling with wonderful people, and making a difference!

There were over 250 people at the event and which raised thousands of dollars that will go directly to helping orphans and underprivileged children at Migdal Ohr. It was amazing to see a community show so much love for Israel’s neediest children and to feel that we are just at the start of something big! 

We are so appreciative of our gracious hosts Danielle and Joe Cohen for opening their home to us, and to our dedicated event chairs for making the BASHMO Englewood so special: Joe and Danielle Cohen, Dovid and Daniella Katz, Naftali and Lauren Schuss, Avi and Nicki Lieberman, Jason and Eeta Pinewski, Elias and Livia Marcovici,  Alphonse and Mor Soued, and Noam and Ilanna Heller.

Congratulations to our lucky Raffle winners of limited Israeli wine & Tequila: Jojo & Aliza Hedaya, Noah Adelsberg, Julio & Debbie Berger, and Eli Boussi!

Mazal tov also to our Silent Auction winners Shari Alter, Jeff Gdanski, Duvy Gross, Gila Harary, Peter Katz, Joseph Kolatch, Lauren Schuss, Joseph Straus, and Dovi Eisenberger.

Thank you to everyone for taking part and for helping us to bring more light into the world! The children in Israel know that you care and they have a loving home because of your generosity and dedication. 

Check out more beautiful pictures from the event >

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