Honoring Migdal Ohr Alumnus, Sergeant Daniel Hamo z”l Who Fell in Battle
The entire Migdal Ohr family sends our deepest condolences to Daniel’s family and friends and joins them in their grief
National News
May 16, 2024

It was a devastating morning at Migdal Ohr when we heard those terrible words, “released for publication”. We got the terrible news that Sergeant Daniel Hamo, a soldier in the 202nd Battalion of the Paratrooper Brigade, was killed in battle, just as Yom HaZikaron was starting.

Daniel, son of Eliyahu and Sarah, grew up in Tiberias and in recent years lived in Netanya. As a child he attended the middle school of Migdal Ohr and was a curious, smart boy, who was beloved by his classmates and teachers.

His friends who studied with him at Migdal Ohr said, “Daniel only wanted to do good, before he started his military service he told everyone, ‘I want to do significant things in the IDF for the State of Israel.’"

Rabbi Grossman, founder of Migdal Ohr, said, "My heart just broke upon hearing this terrible news. The sadness and pain hit us when we were informed of Daniel's untimely death. Daniel z”l studied with us and was a beloved and special child. He will remain a child. He was only 20 years old when he fell in battle.

We send our deepest condolences to Daniel’s family and friends and join them in their grief. May his memory be a blessing.

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