AFMO co-hosted a book launch with the Moises Safra Center for Prime Minister Netanyahu’s former Chief of Staff, Ari Harow, for the launch of his new book, “My Brother’s Keeper”. The book tells the untold story of how Obama and Netanyahu worked with—and against—one another during the formative years that shaped the Middle East. The event garnered a tremendous amount of interest from esteemed members of the Safra community, including David Harris, former President of the AJC, among others, whom we’ve engaged through our growing partnership with the Moise Safra Center.
Ari’s riveting talk took us through the halls of Israel’s political and military power, the White House, Congress, and the Pentagon with inspiring accounts of how Israel’s leadership conducted itself on the world stage, from his perspective behind the scenes. During some of the most pivotal years in the Middle East, Ari provided us with his fascinating and invaluable personal and political perspective.
Mickey Flaumenhaft, our Director of Development, opened the evening with his experience as a reservist in Gaza just weeks ago. His personal insights were meaningful and he shared the impact of Migdal Ohr on Israeli society and vis-à-vis his experience as a soldier. Ari's interactions with world leaders and Mickey's grassroots experiences in the IDF gave the event depth and enriched the presentation. We're thrilled to have Mickey back and grateful for this glimpse into his service protecting our country.
Addressing Mickey, Ari told the audience, “Before October 7th, Jews all over the world were fractured and divided. Our soldiers, like Mickey, restored the pride and unity of the Jewish people. I remember Sharansky talking about the soldiers who freed the hostages at Entebee and how that gave him strength to resist the Soviets behind the Iron Curtain. Today, that’s our soldiers.”
Ari left us with a feeling of hope and strength and it was a privilege to hear from him firsthand. account of those groundbreaking events told through Harow's eyes, and the collective voices of the players in power and those on the front lines.