The needs of Israel's most vulnerable children are growing. YOU can provide everything they need to heal from the trauma of war.
Orphaned and underprivileged children have already suffered from so much abuse and neglect in their lives. As sirens blared this fall, many were paralyzed by fear and have lasting anxiety.
Today, dorm parents and loving teachers transmit your reassurance and love to the children, letting them know that they are safe and that they are NEVER alone.
You are their greatest source of strength. Your support has fed, clothed, and provided for the needs of these children, enabling them to continue living and learning on campus.
At the end of the year, orphaned children need YOU to care for them. There are more therapeutic programs and additional staff to fund so that they can overcome all they have been through with resilience and hope.
No matter what, let the children know that there is hope. We are here for them, caring for all of their needs as if they were our own.
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